Xbox One Vs. PS4 Specs Embarrassment? Former Microsoft Designer Calls Kinect ‘A Joke’

Former Microsoft designer Peter Molyneux called the Xbox One's Kinect feature "a joke," bringing some embarrassment to the next-generation console's competition with Sony's Playstation 4.

"It feels like an unnecessary add-on to me. Maybe it's because we're in England, and it doesn't really use the TV stuff, but it feels more and more like a joke. My son and I sit there saying random things at it, and it doesn't work," he said, according to

"They could cost-reduce it [by removing Kinect]. I'm sure they're going to release an Xbox One without Kinect. It would be unthinkable that they wouldn't."

Oddworld Inhabitants co-founder Lorne Lanning suggested in late March during an interview with Worlds Factory that CEO Stewart Gilray, who commented on the topic days before, actually meant that the PS4 has more COMPUTE units and faster memory than the Xbox One, making it physically impossible for it to be matched.

"Actually that is NOT what he said," Gilray said, according to

"I spoke to Lorne afterwards and what he meant when speaking to that guy was that budgets, schedules and perceivable differences would narrow, NOT that the Xbox One performance is improving to align with PS4, that is just physically impossible. The PS4 has MORE COMPUTE units, and faster memory and a whole bunch of things, that would make that physically impossible to happen."

Season 4 of HBO's hit show Game of Thrones will be available to subscribers on the Xbox One, leaving many wondering if it could bring Microsoft's next-generation console a sales boost.

Amazon announced its long-rumored set-top box FireTV on Wednesday, but the new product may not be able to match up against its competitor Xbox One and Playstation 4.

"The FireTV is billed not as a competitor to the Xbox One or PlayStation 4, but as a way for people who wouldn't otherwise buy a console to play games," the Verge writes.

"Amazon claims it's made the FireTV three times as powerful as its competitors from Roku, Google, and Apple, giving it a dedicated graphics processor and 2GB of RAM. 

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