‘The Amazing Spider Man 2' Reviews: Too Many Villains! Still A Better Love Story Than 'Twilight' As Lead Stars' Chemistry Save The Movie!

'The Amazing Spider Man 2' Reviews: Too Many Villains! Still A Better Love Story Than 'Twilight' As Lead Stars' Chemistry Save The Movie!

"The Amazing Spider Man 2" has already opened internationally, and the reviews are in! However, for most fans of super hero movies, they will still watch it no matter what the critics say!

The sequel to 2012's "The Amazing Spider Man" has a lot of weight on its shoulders. While the reboot was often forgiven for being more bubble gum love story than outright superhero action film, the sequel will no longer get that free pass. Also, it has two sequels and two spinoff movies to build up.

Sony did its due diligence (some say 'overdid') with a barrage of trailers, promotional campaigns and viral videos, risking saturation with the viewers but they knew what was at stake. Unfortunately, the toil of all the pressure was evident in the film. With too many villains and too many subplots being teased, the web got a little too tangled.

From Indiewire's Oliver Lyttleton:

"It's a film of many scenes, but not much structure, of many events, but no real plot. And worst of all, it's not really about anything. Previous 'Spider-Man' films had a singular journey at their heart, even when Sam Raimi's movies were at their worst, but it's unclear what Webb is trying to say here. The various villains and side characters don't add up to anything thematically coherent, beyond 'these guys will look cool as toys.'"

Still, those reasons never stopped most super hero fans from watching a film. While the critical mass did kill any chance for a sequel for "Spider Man 3" it will not be the same for "TASM2" since the sequels are already in place. Therefore, there should really be unresolved elements.

Not to say that the movie was not entertaining. The best element is still the Andrew Garfield-Emma Stone chemistry. No spoilers on whether Gwen Stacy gets a new lease on life. From The Hollywood Reporter: "In truth, none of the many subplots or action sequences, zesty though they are, have as much combustible power as the scenes featuring Peter Parker/Spider-Man and Gwen, benefiting here as did the previous film from the fizzy, tangible chemistry between Garfield and Stone."

Director Marc Webb's specialty does delve on relationships after all. The actors, including Jamie Foxx as Electro did well, but too many open ends spoil the flow of the movie.

Of course, American audiences are still expected to flock to theaters on May 2. After all, it's Spider Man!

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The Amazing Spider Man 2
