‘Batman Vs Superman’ Plot Spoilers: Wonder Woman Is A 'Huge Mistake?' Amazon Princess Just A 'Third Wheel' In 'Man Of Steel' Sequel!

Israeli actress Gal Gadot will play Wonder Woman in 'Batman Vs Superman.' Is adding her a huge mistake as the Amazon Princess and the world's most popular female super hero will most likely be a 'third wheel' in the movie?

Warner Bros. is really trying to catch up to Marvel. While they have arguably the two most popular cinematic super heroes, that may not be enough to make up for the time and slow build that Marvel did to establish their universe. Now, it seems that they are rushing, and many observers see this as their undoing.

From the Huffington Post: "You've all heard the expression, 'Feeling like a third wheel.'  Well, that's exactly how I feel about Wonder Woman (played by Gal Gadot) in this film. With the working title of the movie being Batman vs. Superman you almost forget that she is going to be appearing in the movie. It's going to be hard enough fitting Batman into a world where a man in spandex and a red cape flies around, so to try and bring Wonder Woman into the fold right away, too, seems like a huge mistake. She is a prominent character in DC mythology, one that deserves the respect of an origin story like some of the other big name heroes. She is not a secondary character that can just be thrown into the mix like Black Widow in Iron Man 2."

What we should not forget is that Batman is also being introduced in this movie! Ben Affleck will make his first appearance, so will Lex Luthor played by Jesse Eisenberg. There is also the confusion on whether the movie will be based more on Metropolis (Superman's city) or Gotham (Batman's city).

The Huff Post tackles that dilemma: "The film is going to feature both Metropolis and Gotham, but the question remains as to which city will receive the most screen time. I get the feeling Gotham will play a more prominent role, despite the fact that this is Superman's sequel. The film will probably start off with Bruce Wayne coming to Metropolis to help Lex Luthor rebuild the city before things shift back to Gotham."

So where does Wonder Woman fit in that scenario? With more characters being rumored, they will have to split the screen time or make this an exhaustively long film.

There's a lot going on and while that sounds exciting, it may all turn out to be one hot mess. It may not be the best way to start a whole new universe that will rival Marvel's solid Cinematic Universe.

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Batman Vs superman plot spoilers
