Lee Hyori, "I've Never Had Such an Awkward Schedule Before..."

Singer Lee Hyori revealed her 'awkward schedule,’ becoming an issue.

Lee Hyori posted on her twitter on June 4, "Meeting with the author. I've never had such an awkward schedule before. What am I supposed to wear when I'm going as an author? My stylist teams have never encountered this either."

The post was written before Lee Hyori was to attend 'I Invite You to the North Salon With Lee Hyori', held in a cafe in Seoul for Lee Hyori's recently published book, 'The Story that Lee Hyori and SoonShim Are Starting.' On this day, Lee Hyori met her fans not as a singer but as an author.

Internet users who saw her tweet commented, "Her little confession is cute", and "How about SoonShim look?"

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