Nokia Lumia 1020 Review, News: Windows Powered Flagship W/ 41MP PureView Camera Sensor Used For 31-Day Underwater Diving Mission [VIDEO]

Nokia Lumia 1020 review, news: The Windows Phone powered handset, Nokia Lumia 1020, has made a splashed when it was released thanks to its groundbreaking 41 megapixel sensor. The handset, according to UberGizmo, packs some great wares under the hood and will also be used for a massive undertaking under the sea.

The Finnish mobile giant has teamed up with Fabian Cousteau on an underwater dive known as Mission 31. The goal of the dive is to basically see how Cousteau and his team will spend 31 days underwater. The mission is a day longer than the what Cousteau’s grandfather did back in 1931.

According to UberGizmo, Cousteau and his team will document the entire dive using the Nokia Lumia 1020. However, given the fact that the device isn’t water-resistant or water-proof, it can only be assumed that the unit will be housed in an underwater casing.

The Nokia Lumia 1020 has produced some very good photos thanks to its high-end camera sensor. It has already been used for fashion photography and it will be interesting to see how it will hold-up in a documentary-like setting.

Nokia is encouraging more and more users to use the smartphone for their creative and daring pursuits. The company is inviting Lumia 1020 users to share photos and videos of their own outdoor adventures and tag it with #NokiaMission31. The contest winner will be flown to a luxury hotel in Florida where they will be trained as an open water diver. With those skills, they will also get the chance to be involved in the dive with Costeau himself.

UberGizmo noted that although Nokia’s hardware specs may not be at par with Android handsets, Nokia has made up for it with its camera technology. There have been rumors suggesting that the Windows Phone 8.1 GDR2 will have 2K displays and Snapdragon 805 processor.

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