‘Fantastic Four' Reboot Plot Spoilers: Did They Copy 'The Amazing Spider Man?' The Reboot Is Described As A 'Coming Of Age' Movie With A New Origin For Marvel's First Family!

The "Fantastic Four" Reboot movie has raised some eyebrows because of the younger cast. The suspicions have been confirmed that they will not follow the path of the old Fantastic Four movie series.

The casting choices already reveal a lot. Miles Teller as Reed Richards, Kate Mara as the Invisible Woman, Michael B. Jordan as the Human Torch and Jamie Bell as the Thing are much younger than what we're used to.

There is a possibility that the 'family' angle will not be the focus of the new movie. That was confirmed by writer Simon Kinberg when he talked with Den of Geek:

"We're definitely telling a younger story that the original films did. It depends on what books you look at. There are some, like the Ultimate books, that tell this story. So it is an origin story of the Fantastic Four, and it does follow them before they really know what a superhero is."

In a way, it would appear that this is a 'rite of passage' movie as opposed to the original Fantastic Four that depicted them as an established group already. Are they going to tread the same path of "The Amazing Spider Man" and show the characters in high school?

"They're older than high school, but they're not quite grown into the world. If anything, this is a coming of age story."

With the confirmation, we can expect a different Fantastic Four than the familiar. It is an acknowledgment that most of the moviegoers consist of the younger 'millenials' and they want to be represented. Did they change everything about the origin?

"There is archetypal imagery of how they get their powers, for sure, and it does involve some sort of scientific travel."

The radiation angle might still be in play, but it might not be in space anymore as the word he used was 'scientific.' It would also be consistent with the younger cast as they would not be qualified for space travel if the projected age would be in the late teens to early twenties.

Are these changes favorable to super hero movie fans? There's more than a year to decide as the movie opens on June 19, 2015. 

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Fantastic Four Reboot Plot Spoilers
