Xbox One Vs. PS4 Sales, Specs, Graphics, Games Comeback? Microsoft Official Says He Wants To ‘Win’ Next-Generation Console War

Microsoft official Phil Spencer has pledged that Microsoft plans to "win" this console generation, making clear that the company needs to do more to come out on top, Game Spot reports.

"Definitely in to win," Spencer told a fan via Twitter, according to the site.

"We need to do more, that's 100% of my focus."

Sony has just announced that 7 million PS4s have been sold worldwide, five months after the console's release, Forbes reports, sparking gossip among many gamers active on social media regarding the rival Xbox One's specs, graphics and polls.

Microsoft has not recently announced an exact number of Xbox One sales. In early January, however, the company mentioned they sold 3 million units of their console.

Resident Evil and Dead Rising publisher Capcom announced today that it has begun construction on two R&D buildings to be erected near the company's Osaka headquarters in response to the release of next-generation consoles Xbox One and Playstation 4, reports.

"The appearance of next-generation consoles with a variety of network functions has shifted the focus of sales from conventional package software to digitally distributed content," Capcom said in a statement, according to the site.

 "The profit structure and business model are changing at an increasing speed as a result. Furthermore, the popularity of social games due to the widespread use of smartphones is enabling games to reach more user segments and enlarging the entire game market."

Former Microsoft designer Peter Molyneux called the Xbox One's Kinect feature "a joke," bringing some embarrassment to the next-generation console's competition with Sony's Playstation 4.

"It feels like an unnecessary add-on to me. Maybe it's because we're in England, and it doesn't really use the TV stuff, but it feels more and more like a joke. My son and I sit there saying random things at it, and it doesn't work," he said, according to

"They could cost-reduce it [by removing Kinect]. I'm sure they're going to release an Xbox One without Kinect. It would be unthinkable that they wouldn't."

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