miss A Suzy's Way of Hugging Revealed

miss A’s Suzy revealed her own way of hugging people.

An online community recently posted a picture under 'How Suzy hugs people', which contained Suzy hugging Jewelry's Yewon.

The picture was from KBS 'Invincible Youth 2' aired on June 2, and for this episode, 4 members of the G6 members could not attend because of concerts and other schedules. So only Suzy and Yewon were the only members that were able to come out, but the two showed extraordinary love for each other.

In the picture, when the guests that will replace other G6 members that are absent were introduced, Yewon said "Ah, what do I do", and ran into Suzy's arms. At this, Suzy took Yewon's arms, wrapped her shoulders with them, and hugged Yewon tightly. Suzy's way of hugging was to hug so tightly that the other person would feel all the love.

Internet users who saw the picture commented, "The two look so good", "Suzy's unexpectedly very outgoing", "Hug me too", and "I should learn Suzy's way of hugging too.”

Photo: KBS

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miss A
Invincible Youth 2
