‘Justice League’ Movie Rumors: Which Justice League Will We See? New 52 Lineup Is Closest, But Cartoon Network Team Most Popular!

The Justice League as a team in the comics has gone through many roster changes. It is a team that's older than the Avengers and also had extended runs in animated series-unlike the Avengers which only picked up after the movie.

Now that there's a Justice League Movie confirmed with Zack Snyder also directing, the speculation is focused on the roster. Will Snyder follow the lineup from the animated series (Cartoon Network) or will he snap up the most recent lineup in New 52? He might even make his own lineup-but most observers believe he would still need to base it on an existing framework.

From Comicbook.com, the various iterations of the league are presented. Firstly, there's the Cartoon Network: "'Justice League' and 'Justice League Unlimited' introduced a generation of viewers to the core members of the League, as well as a wide variety of later cast members, and was willing to explore new pairings that the comics had never considered and commonly would have the team break up into smaller groups. This could be a great way for viewers to get to know whatever characters aren't introduced, or don't get a lot of screen time, in 'Batman vs. Superman.'"

The only caveat is that Cyborg is already confirmed, and he is not in the Animated series. But it's possible that the rest of them would follow that paradigm.

Another angle is the New 52 Justice League. This is a relatively new and experimental lineup, but there is a possibility that it can relate well with the viewers. But there are some complications:

"The problem? It was full of B- and C-list Leaguers, with usually one or two A-list heroes sprinkled in at any given time but as likely to leave by the start of the next arc as not. This wasn't actually a problem for the reading experience, but for the "brand" of the League, it was.

So why do we say that League - with Booster Gold, Blue Beetle and the like (more on that later) - bears some similarities to Geoff Johns and Jim Lee's reinvented New 52 League?"

Which Justice League would you like to see-the godlike projection of the Justice League in the Animated series or the New 52 version, where they act like normal people with their own personal and relationship issues?

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‘Justice League’ Movie Rumors
