Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie Wedding Called Off But The Most Powerful Hollywood Couple Plans To Make Another Movie Together

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie wedding called off! Religion tearing the Hollywood couple apart?

"Maleficent" star Angelina Jolie is reportedly furious about her fiancé's family, specifically their religious belief.

According to The Enquirer, Jolie is appalled by the anti-gay preaching of Pitt's childhood church. To add insult to injury, "World War Z" star's family is an active member of the church.

"Angie is completely broken up over the situation involving Brad's family and their church," an insider revealed. "It destroyed their plans for the wedding, at least for the time being, and had her in tears."

The 50-year-old star's parents and siblings are all devout members of the James River Church in Springfield, Missouri. John Lindell, the church's pastor is reportedly known for being a homophobe who's notorious in bashing the third sex.

Unless, Brad Pitt do something about this Angelina Jolie will not marry him, according to the gossip publication.

"Sobbing, she told Brad in no uncertain terms, 'If you won't talk to your family about this, I will!" the source revealed. "I'm not going to marry into a hateful situation like this!'"

The Pitts are known not only for being devout Christians but, they are allegedly Anti-Gay Christian Crusaders. This is a pretty tough fight for Ange and Brad, if they plan to talk to them.

According to The Enquirer, "Obama supporters Jolie and Pitt were shocked when his 73-year-old mother Jane sent a let­ter to the Springfield 'News-Leader' newspaper praising Romney for his anti-abortion stance and his 'Christian conviction concerning homosexuality,' while harshly criticizing Obama."

Allegedly, Angie "freaked out" when she heard about the letter.

Would it be impossible now for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie wedding to pursue? That remains to be seen and from the looks of it, the Hollywood A-listers are in no hurry.

In other news, the famous Brangelina is said to be working on a new film together.

How long has it been since the world saw Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in a movie together? Nine Years! Yes, it has been almost a decade since the birth of the famous "Brangelina," following the release of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" in 2005.

There still no confirmation on what the movie would be, however, Huffington reports that, "insiders speculate it could be a relationship drama that Jolie wrote several years ago. That project centered on a couple with issues who take a vacation in a last-ditch effort to save their marriage."

Jolie's wrote and helmed her first movie in 2011 - "In the Land of Blood and Honey" - and has now directed the highly anticipated movie about World War II "Unbroken," penned by the Cohen Brothers, which will be released on Christmas this year.

It has also been reported that the "Maleficent" star will be producing and directing the planned upcoming movie with her fiancé Brad Pitt.

It will surely be interesting, if the alleged project makes it to the big screen knowing how successful and controversial Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's first movie together was. "Mr. and Mrs. Smith grossed $500 million worldwide and it is where the love story of the now most powerful couple began.

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