'Amazing Spider Man 3’ Plot Spoilers: Emma Stone To Return As Clone? Crazy Ideas On Her Return Suggested From Comic Story Arcs! Which One Will They Follow?

The best thing about "The Amazing Spider Man 2" is the chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. While it was not weak in the action and entertainment departments, most fanboys found it lacking.

With the finale of the sequel depicting [SPOILER ALERT] Gwen Stacy's death, it is certain that Emma Stone will no longer be seen in the next movie.

Hold that thought!

Emma Stone was very candid and open with her interviews that there is a possibility that it was not her last chance to work with the group.

Her interview with Cinema Blend ended with a half-serious reference that she would return as a clone. She also took a similar tone with her conversation with Screen Rant's Kofi Outlaw.

Screen Rant shed light on the former "Superbad" star's references: "What Emma is of course referring to is the multiple times in the comics that Gwen Stacy has been brought back to life, more often than not as a clone. In classic Spider-Man lore, Gwen Stacy returns as a clone created by Professor Miles Warren, a.k.a., The Jackal, a mastermind mad scientist who makes Peter Parker's life a hell of clones and uncertainty. Warren's character was just one of many Amazing Spider-Man 2 comic book references fans spotted in the sequel, so the character is now officially part of the movie universe, if only tangentially."

But lest Sony become too predictable, the series is influences by the Ultimate Universe. Following that pattern: "..in the Ultimate Spider-Man mythos (on which much of this film series is based), Gwen returns as a humanoid disguise of "Ultimate Carnage," the murderous symbiote who is a fan-favorite nemesis of both Spider-Man and Venom  - the latter of whom is also getting a feature film, which could also feature the Carnage entityas an antagonist. As we discussed on our Amazing Spider-Man 2 podcast episode, seeing Emma Stone's adorable face morph into a freakish symbiote creature would be a thrill - and the kind of mashup between Spider-Man and The Thing that we wouldn't mind seeing."

These are all just possibilities, but there are already contradictions to the theory: "Of course, Carnage's traditional alter-ego, serial killer Cletus Kasady, has also been introduced to the film world via viral marketing, so this Carnage thing could really go either way, at this point."

Will we see Emma Stone in "The Amazing Spider Man 3?" Is she a clone? We'll find out on June 10, 2016.

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‘The Amazing Spider Man 3’ Plot Spoilers
