Jason Patric, Son Gus May Be Reunited; `The Lost Boys’ Star’s Boy Not Lost For Long

Jason Patric and his son Gus are closer to being reunited.

Jason Patric, the star of the popular 1980s teenage vampire movie "The Lost Boys," won on appeal the right to establish that he is the father of a four-year-old boy who was conceived through in vitro fertilization with a former lover who he never married.

On Wednesday, a California appeals court ruled that actor Jason Patric can seek legal custody of his son Gus, who was conceived via in-vitro fertilization.

The ruling in Patric's custody battle could have repercussions going forward for women who use fertility treatments.

The decision is being called a landmark ruling in paternity rights. For over a year, Patric co-parented Gus with his former girlfriend Danielle Schreiber. When their relationship ended Schreiber cut all contact with Patric. The actor hasn't seen Gus in 15 months.

Patric's lawyer Fred Silberberg said "It's been over a year since he's seen this child. While in the end the appellate court did make the right call on this, and we applaud them for what they did, look at how much time this little boy has been separated from his father."

The court decision doesn't completely resolve Patric's fight to reunite with Gus. Danielle Schreiber no longer wants the actor in their lives. Patric still has to prove to a Los Angeles judge that he qualifies as a father through his actions.

Experts say the case will have a lasting impact on certain paternity cases.

In the state of California, sperm donors outside of marriage are assumed to have no parental rights or child support obligations. When a man donates sperm to a woman he knows and establishes a paternal relationship with the child problems arise.

In December 2009 their son

Gus was born in December 2009. Patric formed a bond with Gus after spending time with the boy and Schreiber. Gus and Jason also Skyped  and stayed in contact until Schreiber terminated contact with Patric in 2012.

Patric started the "Stand Up for Gus" foundation to offer free legal aid to families facing parental alienation. The actor said "This process is so unbelievably expensive and taxing. Most people give up."

The case will now move back to trial court.

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