Wonder Woman Actress Gal Gadot Photos From ‘Batman Vs. Superman’ Movie Set Released! Skimpy Yet Relevant Costume Inspired By ‘Thor And 300’

Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot was spotted in what fans believed to be a scene from the "Batman Vs. Superman" movie in Metro Detroit, with SuperHeroReport posting photos of the star in Twitter.

Dressed in a dark blue dress, she can be seen next to a waiting car as the door is held open for her.

She is not in her fierce Wonder Woman outfit, presumably she is in her alter ego character, Diana Prince, in the particular scene that was photographed and shared online.

On Thursday, Gal Gadot shared a post in her Facebook account hinting that she's in location where Batman Vs. Superman movie will supposedly shoot this summer.

"I can smell the weekend coming," Gadot posted in her Facebook account "near Rochester, Mich.," a Detroit suburb. "Any plans?"

Meanwhile, Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot is about to get a pretty "relevant yet skimp" costume for her role from Batman vs. Superman costume designer Michael Wilkinson.

Wilkinson was interviewed by TheWrap during the pre-Academy Awards ceremony and he did confirm the he "designed the new Batsuit."

"I'm designing the new Wonder Woman costume," he added. "I'm tweaking the Superman suit, so yeah; I'm glad [to be hearing] good buzz about it."

Wilkinson managed to offer some description on how he would go about the process of designing the Amazonian's suit saying:

"It's a thrilling and slightly scary prospect of course. It's so important to get her right. She really deserves to be presented on-screen in her full glory, so what I do is look at the history of the character has been presented on the big-screen, small-screen, comic books, and graphic novels; we process it all. Then we kind of put that aside and work out what it right for our film, for the cinematic universe that our director Zack Snyder is putting together. We try to create a Wonder Woman relevant for today's audiences."

He assured the fans that Wonder Woman's costume will "absolutely" be a realistic for the Amazonian hero to fight off the villains.

"I mean, you just have to look at the Gladiators from ancient Rome, they did their thing...with the shield and everything," he said. "Yes, it works for Thor and 300, so let's see what happens."

When asked about the issue regarding the required bust size for the role, Gadot was quick to explain saying:

"Hmm. I represent the Wonder Women of the new world. Breasts... anyone can buy for 9,000 shekels [Ed: Israeli currency] and everything is fine. By the way, Wonder Woman is amazonian, and historically accurate amazonian women actually had only one breast. So, if I'd really go "by the book"...it'd be problematic."

She's also very vocal, telling Batman-News reporter what her training regimen is to easily adapt for her role.

"It's the physical preparations that I'm starting now. A very serious training regime - Kung Fu, kickboxing, swords, jujutsu, Brazilian...1,000 and 1 things...I'll gain body mass."

Well all of that are remain to be seen when Batman vs. Superman hit theaters nationwide on May 6, 2016, almost a year later its first issued release date.

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