Angelina Jolie Made Honorary Dame By Queen Elizabeth of England During Royal Birthday Celebration [PHOTO]

On Friday Angelina Jolie was given one of the highest honors England can bestow, the title of honorary Dame, or female knight. She was awarded the title during the celebrations for Queen Elizabeth's birthday.

The Oscar winning actress, and UN special envoy was awarded the title for her work extraordinary service to English foreign policy working on preventing sexual violence in war zones. Jolie spent the last week co-chairing an international event to end sexual violence, an event that took two years to coordinate. Jolie also founded the Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative in England.

"To receive an honor related to foreign policy means a great deal to me, as it is what I wish to dedicate my working life to," Jolie said. She went on to add, "Working on PSVI and with survivors of rape is an honor in itself. I know that succeeding in our goals will take a lifetime, and I am dedicated to it for all of mine." 

The film star has hinted at giving up her film career to work on humanitarian efforts full time.  Jolie visited Clarence House on Thursday evening where she spoke with British Foreign Secretary William Hague and Prince Charle's wife. 

Because she is not an English citizen, she is an honorary dame, which means she can not introduce herself using dame in the title.

Of the conference, Jolie said, ""I think that's one of the important things to come out of this summit, is to say, 'We're not saying this is the most important. It's important to us, it's important to so many people but it's also a centerpoint to all violence against women and all injustices in the world.'"

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Angelina Jolie
Queen Elizabeth
