Video of Mike Tyson 'Slapping' UFC President Dana White Goes Viral: Is This The Start Of Boxing UFC Showdown?[VIDEO]

With UFC on the rise and Boxing slowing down, it is only a matter of time before the two sports have an all out war. Mike Tyson fired the first...arm slap, in the impeding war between boxers and UFC fighters. This video of Mike Tyson forcing UFC president Dana White to give him his seat on the airplane has gone viral. 

"Tyson: (slap) Hey move it.

White: I like this seat

Tyson: I like it better "

The video was posted on White's Instagram, and is in all likelihood a joke between the two. Tyson and White have been good friends for years. That said, very few people wouldn't get on an entirely new airplane if Mike Tyson slapped their arm and demanded their seat.

White is a man that also tends to get his way, but Tyson definitely showed him who was in charge, and he didn't stop there. On the same airplane Tyson wrote "Dick" on White's forehead after he fell asleep posted that as well.

Commentaries on the video have largely centered on how real or fake it was. "It was a prank!  Don't take the video seriously although, it was funny." Another Youtube commenter posted "These guys are good friends, Tyson would never try to seriously do that to Dana.... Tyson knows better then that...!!!" 

Others think it was a bit realer than that, "Who in their right minds would dare to challenge Tyson to his seat? Dana's sheer look of horror. I can empathise with." Another commenter said, "Can't be fake. You see how white he is in the beginning then he turns bright red at the end."

It just goes to show you, don't cross people with face tattoos, because just don't. They already tattooed their own face, what would they do to yours? 

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Mike Tyson
Dana White
Airplane seat
