Girl Group Berry Good Thanks Global Fans For Gifts

New Girl Group Berry Good posted a picture with their gifts for abroad.

On their official Facebook page, Berry Good posted a picture of all the members with gifts and said, "Thank you for all the gifts! We can't believe we got gifts from so far away. We will do our best to work hard and meet you guys~! Thank u Berry much~!^^"

In the picture, there were plenty of gifts, letters, hats, accessories, pouches, and such. The members posed for the camera with "V"s and cute gestures.

One fan from Thailand told them that they became a huge fan of Berry Good after watching them on videos. "I hope to see you guys soon and I hope my feelings for you guys were sent with the gifts."

In response, people said, "Wow Berry Good is so popular already!" "Berry good is so cute," "I hope you guys work hard!" and "I wonder what their next steps will be." 

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