ChaeYeon, Confession "My Family Thought I Committed Suicide"

Chae Yeon revealed her feelings about the suicide rumor.

In SBS TV "Midnight TV Entertainment" aired on the 4th, Chae Yeon said "While I was working in China there was a false rumor going around that I committed suicide and that my manager found me dead."

She continued, "My family was so shocked and scared they called me. My mom called me while crying. My brother kept checking on me too, asking if I'm okay and if everything is okay."

At the time, the Chinese media had said that Chae Yeon had committed suicide, but that was proven to be a false rumor.

Chae Yeon said, "There was no other way. I had to show people that I'm 'healthy and okay' through a picture of me smiling."

Internet users who saw this commented, "That's very sad", "Her mom must have been so shocked," and "This is heartbreaking."

Photo Credits: SBS

Chae Yeon
Midnight TV
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