Watch Dogs 2 Release Date Expected For 2016; Aiden Pearce Not Expected To Comeback For Game Sequel; CtOS 2.0 Confirms New Game To Be Set Outside Chicago

Watch Dogs 2 Release Date: Though the first Watch Dogs game was only released last May, gamers and even experts believed that a part two of the hacking game isn't impossible to come.

At the end of the Watch Dogs game, a new and improved ctOS 2.0 was introduced in the game. The new OS that once swept and controlled Chicago was reported in the post credits of the game to expand not only across the United States but even across the globe.

Could this be an introduction for a sequel of the game? Gamers across gaming forums speculate that this hinted new version of what controlled Chicago may be an introduction for an upcoming DLC or even a sequel.

In a ctOS 2.0 thread on a Watch Dogs forum, user AtlasShruggedTwice believed "A sequel is likely. They've been describing WD as a new franchise, not just a new game."

Others even speculated of the sequel to be set on a different city.

"At the end they also mention something about smart "cities" in that commercial. I can only assume that means the next installment will be in a different major US city. Similar to what GTA has done with its series"

As reported by, an interview with Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot suggests that has no idea yet if the baseball cap-wearing protagonist Aiden Pearce would return for another game. Although he didn't say "no" because it was confirmed, he instead rejected the idea because he said that he still doesn't know what is in store for the upcoming game.

He confirmed, however, that the company is working extra hard to improve adding focus on characters and the worlds.

"I can't say because I don't know actually. We'll see," he said. "We are working on that. We want to spend more time on the worlds and characters in our games... you will see more and more of this at Ubisoft. We'll try to be less like we have been in the past with some characters. We'll try to extend more diversity."

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