Real Housewives Of Orange County Tamra Barney Blabs And Lies! [VIDEO] Tells Shannon Beador Marital Problems To Heather Dubrow Further Igniting Their Feud On RHOC

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Real Housewives Of Orange County Tamra Barney Blabs And Lies! Tamra proves again and again that she is totally incapable of being a loyal friend. This week Tamra miraculousy forgot how she made fun of Lizzie's dress. Barney lies in the US and in Bali! Does Tamra have yenta amnesia! Everytime Tamra opens her mouth she magically forgets what she said! Eventually Tamra burns bridges with every Orange County Housewife whom Tamra was close. Tamra told Shannon that Heather and Terry Dubrow want to 'take the Beadors down' and then she lies about ever saying it! As Lizzie said, "Somone's lying and with Tamra's track record, we know who the culprit is.' Even if Barney decided to tell the truth one day, nobody will ever believe her again! These lies are bad but Tamra revealing Shannon's secrets to Heather and then ever single other housewife, then denying it could be Tamra Braney's worst display of friendship to date on Housewives. Tamra writes that she feels bad about it on her blog, but Housewives fans can see right through Barney. Tamra once again stirs the pot and breaks up friendships On The Real Housewives Of Orange County and to make matters worse, Tamra lies right to the cameras. When Shannon confronts Tamra about the 'take teh Beadors down' remark Tamra of course denied it, but then tells Terry Dubrow about the conversation! This lead to pure mahen on Real Housewives of Orange County, making Lizzie's dinner party the biggest ball of drama I've seen on teh show to date.  Does Tamra actually believe her lies? I think she does!

Does Barney not remember sharing Shannon's biggest secret to Heather? Does she forget mentioning these things to Shannon? Who is Tamra trying to fool? When caught gossiping about Shannon's marriage, Barney wrote in her Bravo blog,"I totally lied to Shannon and I feel like a jerk! I should never have told anyone and I feel really bad about it." Tamra is totally full of it, only coming clean when she has to. If the Housewives have any brain cells left in their botoxed brains, they will not trust Tamra ever again. Even Heather, whose usually highly able to read people, has had a lapse in judgement with Tamra. Someohow everybody that Tamra has crossed on Real Housewives of Orange County has sadly come back wanting to be friends with Barney. WHY! What is so great about Barney that these Housewives want to be her friend? Tamra sides with whoever she is talking to, and puts down anyone who isn't around. She is two-faced, immature, and an instigator. Bad for friends, great for Real Housewives Of Orange County! But really at the core of this mess, it was Shannon's mistake on Orange County Housewives for turning to Tamra for support when she should have went to a real friend. How long do these Housewives even know each other? A few weeks? And why would Shannon look to Tamra, who has been divorced twice instead of getting help and advice from one of the Housewives with a healthy outlook on relationships? Tamra claims she told Heather because she was looking out for Shannon and trying to get Heather to back off of her friend. But Barney should know, as a fellow mother, when it's serious enough to shut her mouth.

But the Housewives are smartening up. Vicki tells Lizzie to watch out for Tamra, clearly foreshadowing an end to that on again off again Housewives friendship. Lizzie spills all of Tamra's betrayals to Shannon telling her, "She says you need an exorcism, that you have green Martians around your head. She makes fun of you ... Vicki told me to be careful of Tamra" Lizzie tells Shannon, trying to coax her new friend to the non evil side, aka Tamra Barney. Shannon finally sees the light saying, "When is this betrayal going to stop?...I can never trust Tamra again." Why would anyone trust Tamra anyway?! Tamra Barney has turned on Vicki, Alexis, Gretchen, and now Shannon and Heather. Tamra sabotages friendships if she finds one little hint of weakness. The Real Housewives of Orange County needs Tamra for the drama but we are running out of Housewives for Barney to turn on! There's nobody left. 

Jessa K wrote on the People website: On the plus side, if Tamra has anymore Botox or Restylane, she will no longer be able to speak, so that will at least put an end to her verbal gossip. She will then have to either learn sign language or confine her slander, rumor mongering and backstabbing to emails or texts.

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