Anita Sarkeesian ‘Doesn’t Play Games’: ‘Tropes Vs Women’ Youtuber Receives Death Threats After Video Allegedly Proves Her A Fraud, Highlights Funding Issues Amongst Indie Video Game Developers

Even though the youtube video in question was released almost a year ago, it wasn't until yesterday that the gaming community exploded at Anita Sarkeesian for her "Tropes Vs. Women" Youtube series for being a fraud. To quantify explosion, let's just say that Sarkeesian felt the need to leave her home in fear of death threats that she's been receiving. But the real issue that the gaming community has with Sarkeesian seems to be with her generating funds via Kickstarter.

According to the posting date on Youtube, "Anita Sarkeesian is Not a Real Gamer" has been getting views since September of 2013. But for some reason, the video did not catch on with the majority of the gaming community until recently, after Sarkeesian posted her latest video in the series, "Women As Background Decoration."
In the "Anita Sarkeesian is Not a Real Gamer" video, some clips of Sarkeesian's lectures from the past provide some contrasting statements to what she has said currently about the role that video games play in her personal life. As the narrator of said video explains, "While Anita frequently tells the media how much she loves gaming and how much of a gamer she is, she has been telling her feminist colleagues and students something very different."

Since then, the reaction across the internet gaming community has been one of extreme outrage. Some are outraged at Sarkeesian for presenting herself falsely, especially because she generated funding for the project through fan provided money on Kickstarter. Others have gone to point of sending the Canadian feminist death threats.

As reported by the Verge, "She's published a page of extremely violent sexual threats from the person who apparently drove her to call the police; in it, the user mentions the location of her apartment and threatens to kill her parents, who the user names and claims to be able to find."

Death threats are pretty inexcusable on all accounts, but another problem that continues to surface in regards to Sarkeesian's project is that it was crowd funded on Kickstarter. The Verge points out that quite a few feminist figures are attacked under the guise of fighting corruption amongst the gaming community - corruption in the sense of greedily accepting money for gaming projects based on certain falsehoods.

Regardless of whether their reactions are justified, it's clear the gaming community values honesty above all else.

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