FTISLAND 'Play! FTISLAND in Hong Kong' Concert is a Huge Success

FTISLAND has been heating up in Hong Kong.

On July 14 at the Asia World Expo Hall, FTISLAND successfully finished their 'Play! FTISLAND in Hong Kong' concert. This concert, which held 4,000 seats, sold out 1 hour after ticket sales opened, showing their popularity.

FTISLAND sang numerous songs, including "Hello Hello", "Never Land" and "Love Love Love." Hong Kong Fans held up signs that read, "Together Forever," showing their support as fans.

They sang over 20 songs including 2 encore performances. FTISLAND commented, "We are so happy to be able to perform in Hong Kong. We were especially happy with the fan's signs that read, 'together forever.' We were so thankful when they sang along to our songs. We will work hard to show them our best performances."

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