Dwyane Wade Gabrielle Union Wedding: LeBron James Was Present! John Legend Serenades And The Ceremony Was Almost Like A Spy Film! Top Secret Details Shared Here!

The wedding between Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade and actress Gabrielle Union was really set up to avoid media coverage and paparazzi. As the controversial couple went through a tumultuous engagement which was feasted on by the media, their demand for privacy seems very understandable.

One controversial aspect of the Wade-Union nuptial is whether LeBron James would attend. James was Dwyane Wade's BFF who chose to join Wade in Miami when all of the basketball world was courting him in 2010. After winning two titles and losing shamefully in the NBA Finals last June, James decided to leave Miami-and Dwyane Wade, out in the cold.

Because of the intense secrecy, there were no press or paparazzi photos of the guests-only the photos which the guests themselves have shared-which weren't a lot because the phones were eventually confiscated!

LeBron James did not share anything so it was presumed he did not come. But Gossip Extra had exclusive details and photos to show that the King indeed attended with his pregnant wife in tow.

No less than John Legend serenaded the couple in the glorious ceremony held at the majestic Chateau Artisan-a castle-like mansion located in Homestead.

The site also had some exclusive information on the arrangements that the couple made to ensure their privacy:

The guests actually signed a 'Confidentiality Agreement!" This was executed by the event coordinator and security consultants. You can see an actual copy here.

Gossip Extra: "..organizers were so paranoid to let the cat out of the bag during the months of planning that the paperwork is under the headline: The wedding of Sheik Noinu Edaw."

"Noinu Edaw" is actually Union-Wade spelled backwards!

"Wade was so serious about it that sun reflectors were supposed to be set up on the roof of the mansion to prevent photos and videos from helicopters."

From someone whose every move has been under heavy scrutiny since 2003 (perhaps even sooner) Wade is pulling out all the stops!

Proof of LeBron's attendance: "Some signs that decorate the juke joint area: Bar Melo, as in Carmelo Anthony; Bosh's Brewery for Chris Bosh and Ray's Retirement Home after Ray Allen.

Another sign: Cleveland, this Way! Of course, that refers to LeBron's return to the Cleveland Cavaliers."

So there is no bad blood between Wade and James. While they may no longer share the basketball on the court, they can still share momentous occasions like this one. 

Dwyane Wade Gabrielle Union Wedding
LeBron James
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