Game of Thrones Season 5 Update: Bran and Hodor to Go on Hiatus; Kristian Nairn and Isaac Hempstead Wright Will Not Return Until Season 6! [PHOTO]

Two main characters of the HBO series "Game of Thrones" Bran and Hodor will not be returning for the fifth season of the show. Isaac Hempstead Wright (Bran) and Kristian Nairn (Hodor) have confirmed that they have a year off, and it is assumed that the storyline of the show will focus more on other characters.

In a recent interview with the Australian Broadcasting Commission, Nairn stated, "We [Hodor and Bran] have a season off... solely because I imagine our storyline is up to the end of the books," conveying that perhaps the show's writers are waiting until season six to re-insert them. Liberty Voice offers another possibility as to why the two characters are on hiatus - the TV show cannot catch up with or surpass the books, which are still being written by author George Martin.

Much of season four expanded on Bran and Hodor's storyline, leaving us tantalized by depictions of the two venturing beyond The Wall and meeting creatures known as "The Children." With the entrance of new and mystical beings, viewers were left wondering just what else is out there. It seems almost unfair for the two characters to not return in the wake of all the excitement.

However, as the Liberty Voice points out, Martin's books were written in a similar manner. Oftentimes multitudes of chapters would be dedicated to one main character, and the following chapters would move onto another main character and another geographical realm without a moment's notice. If this style were to be depicted in the show, it is possible that more characters will be absent in later seasons.

Nairn isn't too disappointed at this prospect. According to the Huffington Post, he is ready to use his year off to do "Rave of Thrones" and "gallivant all over the world." Fans of the show shouldn't be too disappointed, either - season five will introduce the new land of Dorne as well as the relatives of Oberyn Martell.

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Season Five
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