RHOC Tamra Barney Gets Fired By Bravo! [VIDEO] 'Audience Not Connecting To Her' After Stirring The Pot With All Real Housewives Of Orange County Women Bringing Ratings Down

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RHOC Tamra Barney Gets Fired By Bravo! The biggest baddest Bravo cast member needs to leave the Real Housewives of Orange County, even if she wasn't fired.  That woman has literally gotten on everone's last nerve, the other RHOC women and the viewers. Many RHOC sources have said that The Real Housewives of Orange County desperately needs a voice of reason instead of a woman constantly stirring the pot. It is getting old and viewers are tuning out the blond botox obsessed instigator. According to RadarOnline, "Bravo is actively casting for someone who is a voice of reason. They want to replace Tamra who's stirring up too much s**t and the entire cast is against her." 

RHOC star Tamra Barney continues to cause more trouble than any of the Housewife and takes no responsibility for her actions. I'd love to see Tamra just admit that she shouldn't have told Terry Dubrow at Lizzie's dinner party that Shannon said she thought Terry had said he wanted to 'take the Dubrows' down. It was rude and reiterated at the wrong place adn seemed to be such a stretch for Barney to grab control of the drama.  I honestly think that if Tamra was not on RHOC, the ENTIRE cast would get along. There would have never been a rift between Shannon and Heather. Tamra Barney just can't realize how obnoxious she is being. Just as the Dubrows can't move on with the Beadors, Tamra never will move forward and her meddling is getting as old as her plastic face. Fans are getting exhaustd with Barney. Tamra continues to live in a world where she screams at everyone, has a big mouth and then somehow comes down with amnesia when she can't remember what she blurted out. Tamra has the nerve to talk about Shannon's drinking when she can't even remember anything she does when she drinks on Real Housewives of Orange County and it is not entertaining. It's sad.

Radaronline reported about Tamra Barney, "She is not being authentic and the audience is not conneting with her. Tamra hasn't been completely open about her custody issues. It's supposed to be reality and instead she only wants to create drama with others around her." Tamra is a sad hot mess and even Vicki Gundalson, whom Barney has been close with for years, has decided to put the breaks on their friendship. As Heather Dubrow said to Alexis last season, "If everyone is telling you you're dead, it's time to lie down." Gotta love Mrs. Dubrow. So who will replace Tamra on RHOC?

Popgirl said: Tamra just has no story line. She and Eddie are boring. Her kids aren't on the show. She has a fake job or did. Their fitness club looks to be failing. All she had was stirring up problems the last three years and a vicious personality. What draws you in is the lives of the women. At least Vicki has a daughter on the show, pregnant, issues with her new relationship, a career. Vicki has some kind of life to watch. Tamra just had a rentababy with her fake story line of wanting to get pregnant. Tamra must be feeling desperate. She needs the Bravo money.

Karen added:  Tamra literally makes me leave the room when she starts screaming at people. I have never seen anyone, anywhere as maladjusted, evil and vile. And she has NO insight, nor does she try to filter what hurts others. I REALLY
hope Bravo doesn't reward that with a new contract! If they
do, they have lost a long time viewer because I can't watch it anymore.

Memoi wrote: Tamra just wasnt good at making up drama. It was all to obviously contrived & she played to many sides. She wasnt smart about creating fake drama, like Heather was - at first. But now Heathers bad acting has caught up to her. Between her fakeness and her husbands extreme need for fame their storyline is boring & the Dubrows need to go.

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