Teens Use Ice Bucket Challenge To Pull Prank On Autistic Boy, Drew Carey Vows To Reward To Find Perpetrators

The Ice Bucket Challenge phenomenon appeared to have spiraled out of control and now become a tool for disingenuous people.

Bay Village police is now investigating the incident, where a 14-year old autistic boy was poured with classmates' urine, feces and spit, with the victim thinking that he was taking the ice bucket challenge.

While the Bay Village residents in Ohio are outraged by the prank, Drew Carey host of 'The Price is right,' is handing down reward amounting to $10,000 to anyone that can provide information to the identity of the students who fooled the boy, E! Online reported.

In his tweet, according to the report, Carey stated, WTF? Just saw this. Horrendous. These kids should be arrested and expelled," if the Bay Village PD wants to start a reward fund to find who did this, contact me. I'll donate $10,000."

Carey also vowed to donate to Autism Speaks after police arrests the perpetrators.

To help spread awareness about Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), the Ice Bucket Challenge gained popularity with popular movie and television celebrities and tech giants founders having a bucket of ice water dumped over their heads.

The challenge starts with one person who has ice water poured over them to challenge someone else to do the same or make a donation to the ALS campaign.

For well-meaning individuals, the ALS Association web site said that as of Sept. 6, 2014, they have received $109.8 million on ice bucket challenge donations.

"The ALS Association is incredibly grateful for the outpouring of support from people all over the world. We thank you for participating in the Ice Bucket Challenge and for making donations to support our fight against this disease," the Association wrote in its web site.

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