‘Legion Of Superheroes’ Rumored To Be In Development! Warner Bros Willing To Gamble On Lesser Known Characters After Success Of ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy!’

The 'Justice League' is the most recognizable super hero team in DC but they are not the only one. The Legion of Superheroes are a group from the future and they are more of a team than an alliance of solo heroes. There are definite parallels to 'Guardians of the Galaxy' but it's definitely not the same.

The rumor that Warner Bros. and DC are actually considering them for development came from Latino Review, one of the more prolific scoop sites on the internet today.

Their report:  "According to sources, Warners is quietly sending out the DC comic book Legion Of Superheroes to screenwriters & their reps for takes. For non-industry folks, what that means is that screenwriters check out the comic book and come up for a movie idea involving the characters from that comic. Those writers then go to the studio to pitch their idea. The studio then hires the screenwriter they feel has the best idea or take for the film."

The actual term that Latino Review used for LoS is that it was placed on "active development." This is still a long way to go from seeing the actual movie, so it is best not to hold your breath waiting.

The Legion of Superheroes are also based in Space, and in the 30th century so there will be scenes of alien worlds, not unlike Guardians of the Galaxy. The group first appeared in "Adventure Comics" and they were supposed to be a one-time adversary for Superboy. However, fan reception was strong enough to keep them hanging for a few issues and eventually they became fixtures in the DC Universe.

There are already four major reboots for the Legion of Superheroes and at this point there is no way to determine which one will appear on screen. It is also uncertain if LoS is part of the nine films that Warner announced.

It's a long way to go, but stay tuned because we'll cover every step of the Legion of Superheroes.

Legion Of Superheroes
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