Rookie Group D-Unit Practices Hard for Japan Fans

Girl group D-Unit gained many Japan fans before their debut.

On July 7 and 8, D-Unit held a Tokyo Fan Sign Meeting for their fans. Those fans came to their practice room to support them for their debut.

Wooram commented, "A girl walked in while we were practicing and we thought she was just a staff member. She suddenly came up and greeted us saying that she was at our fan sign meeting in Tokyo and thought she would come support us while she was in Korea on vacation. There must not be many people who know us, but to have someone come and support is so amazing."

Their staff commented, "A neatly dressed lady talking in Japanese came through the door and we thought she was a friend of our boss, but she went straight to the practice room and supported the girls."

On average, about 10 to 20 people come by a day to support the group.

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