IU Pressures Her Fans, "You Can't Really See From Back Seats in Concert"

Singer IU pressured her fans.

An online community recently shared a posting of IU's comments on her fan website with the title "IU pressuring her fans that are coming to her concert."

On IU's fan website, one fan posted asking, "Can you see from far away too?", and IU replied "If you sit far away, you can't really see."

Then this fan said, "It's okay even if I'm far away. I'm a listener", and IU said, "Even sound is better up front," pressuring the fan to get front row seats.

Internet users who saw this commented, "IU pressuring her fans is so cute," "I'm so jealous of that fan," "Imagining IU making those commented makes me smile," and "IU's so cute."

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