Real Housewives Of Nw York City Sonja Morgan SO DRUNK! [WATCH VIDEO!] MAKING OUT WITH GAY DUDE, SLURRING, In Front Of NYC Club VIP Room After Being Fired From RHONY And Broke!


Real Housewives Of Nw York City Sonja Morgan SO DRUNK! Wow, this video says it all about Sonja. The Housewives star is so wasted she sloppily makes out with a gay man while knowing she's being filmed, slurs her words, and can barely stand. Lately it looks like Morgan is getting increasingly dependant on alcohol for her problems. Since she was fired from Real Housewives of New York City, filed for bankruptcy, never got her toaster over business off the ground, and Sonja Morgan, Sonja with the sexy 'J,' global brand never took off, the Housewives star has been partying maybe a little too hard. The kiss seen above is hard for anyone to swallow, but Sonja has children that will see this! Yikes.This isn't the first time Sonja has lost her marbles.

At the Real Housewives of New York City reunion Sonja Morgan was completely bonkers! As Luanne DeLesseps told Sonja, "you're a liar, but the worst part is you believe your crap." What world was Mrs. Morgan living in? Does Sonja actually believe there is a 'Team Sonja?' Because, and this may shock you...there isn't! Morgan delusionally has interns, and businesses, and real estate... LuAnn points out that Sonja has changed a great deal since her first season of New York Housewives. She said Sonja has let the show go to her head. LuAnn right about how Housewives has changed her, but the problem is much worse that Sonja Morgan's ego. She's gone completely bonkers. Taekman said it perfectly at the Real Housewives of New York City reunion. "Sonja, you are wonderful, warm, beautiful, smart woman. But you are delusional... no one on these couches would say any differently. Ironically, Aviva, the other delusonal Housewives star, disagreed. Drescher chimed in with, "I don't think she's delusional." When asked about her finances, Sonja says all kinds of incoherent nonsense. "I can tell you, making a hundred-thousand dollars on a wine deal or a jewelry deal is not going to save my holdings that I've already made all these years," Morgan said. "I have to stay very focused on the 45 people that I'm paying-financial advisors, lawyers, judges-I have to handle that." Judges?! Who 'has' judges? Who pays judges?

Sonja Morgan also blamed the lack of hot water in her home on the old construction, rather than her assumed lack of payment. Morgan goes on to say that "People pay me for branding advice." After all the other women on the couch looked on in confusion, Sonja said that just because she doesn't have a brand doesn't mean she's not a businesswoman. It's also hard for her to show her businesses on camera because she's 'a very private person.' Seriously Sonja! Your tag line is about going commando and you talk about your daily sexcapades like your telling baseball scores. Andy points out how ridiculous it is of Morgan to claim to be a private person. She says her party life and her businesses are two different things. When asked about giving lifestyle advice, Sonja said that included buying and selling houses, aka real estate, not lifestyle advice. Ms. Morgan is losing her marbles. But wait it gets worse in New York City last night. Sonya said to Kristten, "Your husband works for P.Diddy. P.Diddy comes on my yacht as a guest." The New York Housewives point out that Sonja doesn't have a yacht! Classic.

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