Wisconsin Solar Panels Go Up In Cost: WeEnergies Utility Company Imposes Extra Fees On People Who Produce Their Own Energy; Draws Outrage [PHOTO]

ThinkProgress reports that Wisconsin utility company We Energies has made a recent move that not only raises electricity rates on all consumers, but also imposes extra fees on those who produce their own energy and sell it back to the power grid. The new plan will raise the fixed charge on all customers' electric bills from $9 to $16, and will reduce net metering.

According to Milwaukee Shines, the plan will apply to all solar owners beginning in 2016. Changes to net metering include how and when solar production is valued on a customer's energy bill, limiting "customer optimization of solar system sizing" and lengthening "subsequent return on investment." The plan will also restrict third-party ownership (leasing) of solar energy, banning "any solar or wind project from interconnecting or net metering with the grid if it is not owned by the customer."

Matt Newman, who is the owner of Wisconsin based company SunVest, says the result of the new policy would be dramatic, and in a bad way. "It would not only end solar but remove the economic viability for any renewable energy in Wisconsin," he explained. The extra fees will likely deter potential solar customers as well as dole out an unfair penalty for those who have already chosen to use and produce their own solar energy.

However, We Energies still seems to think that the proposed plan is fair. ThinkProgress reports that Jess Williamson, a spokesperson for the company, stated, "Under the current rates, [the customers] really don't pay their fare share of grid operating costs... We're asking for a demand charge and also asking that instead of buying excess energy at a premium rate, that we pay a comparable market rate."

But is this really accurate? We Energy customers already pay the second-highest electric rates in the state, and residential bills have increased by 51% since 2005. Debbie Dooley, co-founder of the Atlanta Tea Party Patriots, commented, "It's very clear [We Energy] is not looking out for the best interest of their customers, they're looking out for the best interest of their stockholders."

Solar Panel
We Energies
Net metering
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