Sharon Osbourne Twitter War: 'The Talk' Host Blasts New U2 Album, Ozzy Osbourne Record In The Works?

U2 surprised everyone and bewildered many last week when they released a new free album, Songs Of Innocence, which just showed up in people’s iTunes libraries whether they were interested or not. Well Sharon Osbourne wasn’t too pleased with the bold move, and she took to Twitter on Monday to call out the group, their record label Interscope and even iTunes itself. Meanwhile, her son Jack tweeted a few choice comments of his own on topic on Sunday. The Osbourne family’s strong reactions raise the question: could patriarch and Black Sabbath front man Ozzy be planning to release some new music himself?

Osbourne, who managed her husband’s career for two decades, did not mince words in voicing her disapproval. “U2 you are business moguls and not musicians anymore,” the Talk host tweeted, “No wonder you have to give your mediocre music away for free, cause no one wants to buy it.” She went on, “Guys, nothing in life is free, how much you making? PS, btw you are just a bunch of middle age political groupies.”

After continuing on with a series of personal insults, Osbourne broadened the scope of her attack, writing, “Jimmy Iovine (CEO of Interscope records), iTunes, U2, you’re a bunch of megalomaniacs. F*CK YOU!”

Jack, for his part, seemed to mostly take issue with the invasive nature of releasing music onto people’s devices without consent. He tweeted, “Hey @U2 just because you’re giving away free sh*t doesn’t mean I want it. Thanks now stay out of my iPhone. #U2virus #U2aretheNSA.”

One of the issues that U2’s decision to release the record this way brought up is the possible precedent it could set. In an age when illegal downloading of music is all too common, some fear that a move like this could reinforce the idea that all music should be free. If Black Sabbath were planning to release another album, industry factors like this could impact their success. Maybe the Osbournes are feeling a little threatened. 

Sharon Osbourne
Twitter War
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