Monica Lewinsky Speaks Out On Massive Celebrities Nude Photo Leak; Former White House Intern Recalls Trauma From Bill Clinton Scandal

Many thought that the massive celebrities' nude photo leak violated the privacy of the involved stars. When private celebrity photos surfaced a few weeks ago, one woman was able to relate with how the female stars were scrutinized - Monica Lewinsky.

When the Bill Clinton scandal emerged in 1998, the Internet was not common yet. However, it does not make Lewinsky an exception to the pain and humiliation. As a contributing writer for Vanity Fair, the former White House intern said that the celebrities' nude photo leak reminded her of the trauma she acquired for having an affair with Clinton.

"In the last week or two, as new batches of nude celebrity pictures have circulated around the Web - again violating the privacy of women depicted - I was reminded of the few moments of sheer panic I had undergone before I realized my photos were not real. I felt compassion for these young women," she wrote.

"Like so many others, I feel outrage - as a fellow victim, as a civilized individual, and as a woman - when other women are so easily and publicly violated," she added after recalling the time when her private telephone tapes with former best friend Linda Tripp were released.

It can be remembered that Tripp served as Lewinsky's confidante. Lewisnky shared intimate details of her affair with Clinton which Tripp secretly recorded.

While some were blaming celebrities for being "too careless," Lewinsky said implied that the victims should not be blamed at the first place.

"It is immaterial that the recently purloined photos revealed under-dressed celebrities. And, yet, being human we often find ourselves torn between our own right to privacy and our dissolute desires as voyeurs and gossips in an image-and trivia-fueled culture. How much we indulge our inquiring minds is an individual choice. But certainly we can agree that stolen private nudes of actresses (or of anyone, really) is crossing the double yellow line," she wrote.

Some of the female celebrities involved in the massive nude photo leak include Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Hilary Duff, Kaley Cuoco, Kim Kardashian, and Cara Delevingne.

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Monica Lewinsky
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Jennifer Lawrence
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