Emma Watson Seduces Douglas Booth With UN Women #HeForShe: ‘Beauty And The Beast’ Actress Moves In With Boyfriend Matt Janney, But Keeps Eye On ‘Noah’ Co Star

Emma Watson may have moved in with her Oxford University boyfriend Matt Janney, but that doesn’t mean that she can’t keep her eyes off of Douglas Booth! The two have recently posted tweets about each other, resparking that chemistry they had in ‘Noah’!

Douglas Booth tried to catch her eye by showing support for her cause #HeForShe for UN Women by posting a picture of himself on Twitter. And of course didn’t forget to tag Emma Watson in his post!

Emma Watson recently visited Uruguay in her UN Women trip. ‘Beauty and the Beast’ actress is currently the face of UN Women, doing her good deed raising awareness for women empowerment everywhere.

The co-stars of ‘Noah’ had amazing chemistry in the film, which spurred dating rumors. Despite the fact that Emma Watson called her scene partner “offensively attractive”, they have not confirmed or denied their relationship status.

However, Emma Watson was caught moving out of her apartment (and potentially into her Oxford University boyfriend Matt Janney’s home) two weeks ago, signalling that she may be taking the next step in her relationship with him.

That doesn’t meant that Emma Watson can’t have a little bit of fun on Twitter either! Douglas Booth has been trying to catch ‘Beauty and the Best’ star’s attention ever since this summer. He challenged his ‘Noah’ co-star for the Ice Bucket Challenge, but she did not respond.

She didn’t leave him hanging though! She posted a tweet just a few days ago, making excuses for how busy she was, but indeed donated to ALS for her lack of participation. And for a good measure, she posted a screen capture of her and Douglas Booth in ‘Noah’.

Looks like ‘Beauty and the Best’ actress is doing her fair share of Twitter flirting! And UN Women promotion, of course.

Emma Watson
Douglas Booth
UN Women
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beauty and the beast
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