Kate Middleton’s Baby Bump Barely Seen As Duchess Of Cambridge Goes To Dinner; Prince George’s Mom Still Feeling ‘So−So?’

Kate Middleton's baby bump is still barely there as the Duchess of Cambridge went to dinner with husband Prince William, despite feeling "so-so."

The photos published on Radar Online revealed Kate Middleton's baby bump which it describes as still "itty bitty."

The royal couple had dinner at King's Head pub in Great Bircham on September 11 around 7 p.m. and left around three hours later, the report said, as the source shared: "Locals were stunned to see the royal couple saunter in and sit at a quiet table in the corner."

Of course, diners could not easily harass the couple as they were guarded by four Royal Protection Squad members but "towards the end of the meal, a couple of stunned locals introduced themselves to the royal couple and shook their hands."

The tabloid however had dibs on the menu as both Kate Middleton and Prince William ordered black bream "with roasted vegetables on a bed of spinach, and shared a single vanilla ice cream - with two spoons! - for dessert."

While Kate Middleton's baby bump was barely visible, Prince George's mom just drank water while her husband sipped red wine.

Kate Middleton's pregnancy also forced her out of her scheduled trip to Malta for a two-day event, but Prince William gamely stood in for his pregnant wife.

"I'm sorry you've got me instead of Catherine. "She's very disappointed she couldn't be here today," Prince William told attendees of Prince George's mom's absence, said E! News.

The Duchess of Cambridge was told by her doctors to cancel the trip due to Hyperemesis Gravidarum, a condition that affects only around two percent of pregnant women. This causes the mom-to-be to become violently ill during the pregnancy.

Prince William also confirmed that Kate Middleton felt sick when asked how the Duchess of Cambridge is feeling, to which the royalty replied, "She's so-so."

prince george
Duchess of Cambridge
Kate Middleton
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