Charlie Sheen Returning To ‘Two And A Half Men’? Will Actor Appear In Final Season After Epic Feud With Show’s Creator Chuck Lorre?

Could Charlie Sheen be returning to "Two and a Half Men"?

After famously falling out with the series' creator Chuck Lorre and being fired from the CBS series, Sheen is rumored to be circling a return for the show's final season.

According to E! News, Sheen and the team behind "Two and a Half Men" are currently discussing the return of the actor's character Charlie Harper, who was killed off the show due to the feud between Sheen and Lorre.

In terms of the actor's return, his rep, Jeff Ballard, told the publication that "a balloon was floated so to speak...Everyone kind of went hmm, that could be kind of interesting. And that is the state where it is at."

Ballard claims that Lorre is considering the reprisal while Sheen "most certainly is."

"[Charlie] would like to do that for all the fans that watch the show all those years and continue to watch it in syndication," explains Ballard.

The rep also revealed that although Sheen is waiting to see if his FX show "Anger Mangement" will get picked up for more episodes, the actor will be available for his former show if Lorre asks him to come on board.

"Either way he is making himself available to do Two and Half Men," Ballard told E! News.

Sheen famously left the CBS series in 2011 and was replaced by Ashton Kutcher, who helped keep the ratings high.

When E! News asked Lorre in August if there was a possibility for Sheen to rejoin the show, the creator indicated that his focus was on providing the best stories for Kutcher and Jon Cryer who now headline the series.  

"We haven't discussed that, really," said Lorre, regarding a Sheen return. "We've been really focused on finding a storyline that puts Jon and Ashton front and center in a really interesting, provocative hopefully fun story. That was our priority going into this year, was to do a storyline that puts these two guys right in the middle of it. So outside characters will come in as they do, but that's not the focus."

Lorre also revealed that he is pleased with the way in which the show continued after its original star's exit.

"I was delighted that it kept everybody working for another three years," Lorre told E! News. "And we've had a lot of fun. It's a fun place to go to work. It's really light and nobody takes anything terribly seriously and the fact that people have continued to watch the show, you can't count on that. It could have gone the other way, it really could have. But we've got these two great leads in Ashton and Jon and they're imminently funny and watchable, so it worked out OK."

As for Cryer, who worked beside Sheen for eight season, he found it difficult to imagine Charlie Harper's return.

"I know that the story doesn't include his character in any way, and I don't know how they'd do it in any way," Cryer told E!, adding, "But, this is Two and a Half Men, and often the show goes off in ways that you don't expect it to go, so I'm not ruling it out."

The final season of the series premieres on Oct. 30. 

Charlie Sheen
Two and a Half Men
Ashton Kutcher
jon cryer
Chuck Lorre
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