Former Jeopardy Champion Ken Jennings Tweets Offensive Wheelchair Joke, Gets Slammed By Outraged Fans

Jeopardy champion Ken Jennings has found himself in some seriously hot water after tweeting an offensive joke about people in wheelchairs.

"Nothing sadder than a hot person in a wheelchair," wrote Jennings on Monday.

While it's unclear why Jennings chose to write such an insensitive comment on his Twitter page, users of the social media site quickly struck back at his tactless words.

Jennings has yet to address the backlash directly, but he did tweet a few more jokes, perhaps in an effort to change the subject.

What is clear about the situation is that the Jeopardy star, who has also written the "Junior Genius Guides" series, likely needs to study up on political correctness, or common decency.

ken jennings
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