Marvel Movie School: Baltimore School To Offer Liberal Arts Program On Marvel Movies Studies

Comic book fans are about to make their dreams come true with Marvel movie school.

In a report by, University of Baltimore will feature a course on Marvel movies in its liberal arts list. The university has been known to offer other interesting liberal arts privileges like video game scholarships and beer studies.

The new Marvel course will be available in the spring. Marvel movie school made a press release statement that students will study how popular Marvel films affect modern culture. Students can also expect to learn how the elements of the movies were inspired by real-life history, and discover how the movies successfully become box office hits and attract people of all ages. Some of the films that will be studied in the program include Captain America, Iron man, Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor, among others.

According to, the course will be taught by Arnold T. Blumberg, D.C.D. He said, "One thing we'll do is dive into the impact of the Guardians of the Galaxy film, which proved two things: Mainstream movie audiences are not remotely tired of superhero movies; and Marvel Studios can now release a sci-fi adventure that actually features talking trees and raccoons. It's not that they're getting away with it-they've created a universe in which fans completely accept these developments, and they're ready for even more."

Blumberg added about Marvel movie school, "This series not only provides action-packed entertainment but also profound statements about the nature of heroism, the great responsibilities that come with wielding great power, our willingness to trade freedom for security, and much more. Every issue facing our world today is encapsulated in deceptively simple morality tales featuring four-color comic book heroes whose histories stretch back to 1939."

In a report by The Guardian, Marvel Studios has released 10 films since 2008. The storylines are all based on comic books created by Marvel Comics, its sister company. Marvel movie school will primarily delve into these series.

Marvel Movie School
University of Baltimore
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