‘X-Men Apocalypse’ Cast Rumors: Cable, Psylocke, Scarlet Witch Introduced In The Sequel? Writer Teases 'Fan Favorites' In The Movie!

"X-Men: Apocalypse" promises to be the best X-Men movie ever! It will also be the gateway for the grand plans of extending the mutant universe. However, it must build upon the momentum established by "Days of Future Past." Writer Simon Kinberg hints that they intend to do that by bringing in the "fan favorites."

One of the fan favorites they hope to bring in the big screen is Psylocke. Her transformation from British genteel to sensual super heroine was one of the breakthroughs in the X-Men comics. They hope to translate that on the big screen.

From Yahoo Movies, a transcription of a video interview(via CBM) with Simon Kinberg, lead writer for "X-Men" movies:

 "She's (Psylocke) a fan favourite, and also a favourite of mine. We have a small part that she plays in 'Last Stand', and we talked about including her in 'DOFP' quite seriously actually. There was a version of the script she was in and we even auditioned some actors in Montreal. But we didn't feel there was enough of a part she would play in a movie that was already full of many, many mutants. She has a cool power. I know Bryan thinks she's a neat character so there's certainly a chance she'll be in an 'X-Men' movie some day. Hopefully there'll be a lot of 'X-Men' movies and there's lot of mutants we're yet to fully explore onscreen, even if they've had cameos before. Now we're making more films there's a chance to dig deeper."

The prolific mutant scribe also mentioned that Quicksilver is Magneto's son, and also, his twin sister the Scarlet Witch is due for an appearance:

"When we made 'DOFP' there is a reference to her in the scene when they're at Quicksilver's house, but we ended up pulling it out because like a lot of things it had to be sacrificed for the main momentum of the film. It's a character we all love, because everyone loves Quicksilver so much. The more we can do to explore his family, the better. So maybe."

Of course, the next step in the X-Men movie series would not at all be possible without Cable getting involved. Kinberg confirms this:

"We also talked about including him in 'DOFP'. I will say, we love the character, we'd love to find a place for him in these movies, but I cannot confirm or deny which characters will actually be in 'Apocalypse' until I read some spoilers!"

As always, Kinberg will not directly confirm or deny anything, and will dangle these rumors as mere 'possibilities.' It's enough for the true comic book movie fan, though!

X Men Apocalypse Cast Rumors
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