Verizon Nexus 6 Release Date, Specs & Price [NEWS]

Motorola is expected to release its Nexus 6, offered by Verizon, in November, bringing hope to tech aficionados awaiting the highly-anticipated mobile device.

The Nexus 6 is rumored to include a 5.92-inch display and a screen with a Quad HD resolution of 2,560x 1,440 pixels and a density of 498 pixels per inch, CNET reports.

The Nexus 5, which was released on October 31, 2013, had much less impressive screen specs: it included a 4.95-inch HD screen and had a resolution of 1,920x1,080. It also included a Snapdragon 800 system-on-chip and a 4.4 version of Android.

Its successor has been dubbed the "phablet" because of its tremendous size, almost reaching tablet proportions.

One of the Nexus 6's most important release date specs includes its 13-inch megapixel camera in the back which is rumored to shoot high-quality video. 

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