‘Winds Of Winter’ Release Date Hoax Cleared By Author George R.R. Martin’s Publisher; Claims 2015 Release Not True

The "Winds of Winter" release date hoax is cleared by author George R.R. Martin's publisher who said that the 2015 release is not true.

"@foster_bt 'Not a 2015 release.' No change there as far as I'm aware," Jane Johnson wrote on her Twitter.

The "Winds of Winter" release date hoax was started by an article from Christian Times, which quoted George R.R. Martin as saying in a statement: "I'm happy to announce that Winds of Winter will be released at the conclusion of this season of Game of Thrones. I actually finished the book three years ago, around the same time as 'A Dance with Dragons,' but my publisher wanted to see if Game of Thrones the TV show really took off in popularity before releasing it so we could really capitalize on that."

But David Harris debunked the report, which he said contained facts that were not checked by the article's writer.

The author of the article in the "Winds of Winter" release date hoax also issued a public apology, which was included on the David Harris article.

"I apologize for any confusion my article has caused. For the record, 'The Winds of Winter' is not yet out for release, nor it is ready for publication. Also, it was an honest mistake and I had no intentions of misleading our readers. I have asked my editor for my article to be taken down," said the writer's apology of the "Winds of Winter" release date hoax article.

To date, there's no word yet on the "Winds of Winter" release date, even as George R.R. Martin is already feeling the pressure. In an interview with Sydney Morning Herald, he said that on one hand, it's good that people are anticipating the next release.

"But at the same time, sometimes I just wish they would stop pressuring me about it. It will be done when it's done. I'm working on it. I don't know what else I can say: I'm a slow writer, I've always been a slow writer, and these are gigantic books," author George R.R. Martin said.

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Winds of Winter release date
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