Kids Film Their Own iPhone 6 Bend Test On UK Apple Store: Watch As The iPhone 6 Plus Screen Pops Out!

The Apple bend gate rumors are far from dying down. Truth be told, we cannot blame you. After all, you want to see if the newest iPhone 6 or 6 Plus would be worth your hard earned money. Or in this case, their parents' hard earned money.

Watch these two teenagers try to see for themselves if the iPhone 6 bend gate rumors were true. And what better way to find out than head on to the nearest Apple store and bend one for yourself, right?

The video shows them seemingly filming an introduction then cuts to what looks like an Apple store. Then the two just take a gold iPhone 6 plus and tried to bend hard as they can!

And there you go! The boys used too much pressure that, get this, the iPhone 6 Plus' screen actually pops out! The teenagers said they have to run away or "they would have ended up paying for it".

As reported by the Daily Mail, one of the teenagers involved in the video called the entire thing "funny", They said they didn't care that they broke the device, because you know, it's Apple's fault.

"We were in the Apple store bending and breaking their iPhone, which I guess is criminal damage but I don't even care, to be honest. It's Apple's fault - they are false advertising, saying it's the best iPhone but clearly it's not if it can bend in your hands or your pocket. It's just ridiculous."

It was mentioned that the teenagers aren't the only ones attempting to bend the iPhone 6 Plus! Reports suggested that damaged iPhones were seen throughout several Apple stores as more and more people are trying to, well exert force into the device to see if it would bend. Some even attempt to bend the 6 Plus "less bend prone" brother, the iPhone 6.

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