Eun Ji Won Retaliates to Anti-Fans, Who Upset Him?

On Thursday Eun Ji Won Tweeted, "There are some crazy people in this world...Did you study just so you could think in that weird way that you do? Writing a novel, are we? Ha I'd rather be less educated and be me than be you." His sudden post revealed his upset condition.

His usual cute nickname "Eun Cho Ding" matches his usual cheerful demeanor, but, this post revealed a different side. Viewers grew curious due to his sudden outburst.

It is suspected that he could be calling out those who write absurd negative comments on the net.

Viewers commented, "Eun Cho Ding, what put you in this bad mood? "Maybe he's annoyed with the hot weather." They also wrote, "Someone must've upset him," "It's my first time seeing him this upset," and, "Who messed with Eun Ji Won? Come out, all of you. Let's fight." 

Photo Credit: Eun Ji Won Twitter

Eun Ji Won
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