Super Junior's Eunhyuk Express Joy of Korean Soccer Team Victory over England at London Olmypics

Super Junior member Eunhyuk expresses his joy after the Korean soccer team wins over Britain at the quarterfinals at the London Olympics on Saturday.

On Saturday Eunhyuk posted on his twitter, "Wow, seriously. Crazy our country (South Korea) is the best. They are the best. Best!!! Epic!!!!!"

He continues, "I'm in tears. I couldn't watch the live broadcast since I'm in Japan. So I found a site where I can watch over the internet over choppy video screen, but seriously in tears."

Adding, "The Korean team fought so well!!!! I really love you guys!!!!!"

Concluding with his last statement, "Crazy, Korea did so well. This is completely epic, truly awesome."

The South Korean soccer team gained victory in the stunning quarterfinals at the London Olympics with 5-4 in the penalty shootout. The victory put South Korean team against Brazil in the semifinals on Tuesday.

Super Junior
London Olympics
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