Charlie Sheen News: Anger Management Actor Retaliates To Dentist Technician Saying ‘You Should Have Taken The Crack You Accused Me Of Being On'

News of Charlie Sheen's alleged misbehavior in a dentist office has escalated since it happened on Thursday when he is said to initiated sexual assault to dentist technician, Margarita Palestino (name revealed very recently) after the actor is said to try grabbing her breasts while spitting insults at her. Amidst reports, the 49-year old actor denied charges of drug-related actions and released a recent statement in TMZ specifically addressed to the claimant. 

"Hey cholesterol pants: Maybe you should have taken the crack you so brazenly and ignorantly accused me of being on, and sold it! Now that you're a jobless washout and a traitor, you're gonna need the extra dough ... lick those food stamps, you desperate troll," the Anger Management actor announced.

Palestino has been fired from her employer dentist, who is also said to have experienced Sheen's wild fit with the actor aiming a knife at him, as she exposed the award-winning actor's visit and therefore violating Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

In a report filed by Palestino on Friday, the alleged went wild further "jumping out of the dentist's chair and yelling "I'm going to f---ing kill you!" after she outfitted him with a mask for nitrous oxide," reports of the New York Post said.

The technician tried to handle the situation and put back on the mask on Sheen's face but the latter is said to grab one of her breasts and pull her bra and scrub straps. When the dentist came in, the Two and A Half Men actor is said to get hold of a knife that he aimed at the dentist later on. He ended up stabbing the dentist chair instead.

The actor's bodyguards are said to have handed Palestino a sum of $500 telling her not to report the case to court, further telling her, "this is for your troubles."

"Our client is the victim of heinous acts perpetrated by Charlie Sheen. She will not be intimidated by Sheen or those who are attempting to cover up for him. We look forward to exposing the truth and vindicating her rights in court," says a recent statement from Neama Rahmani of West Coast Trial Lawyers who represented Palestino.

Meanwhile, Charlie's rep, Jeff Ballard defended the actor saying, "Charlie went to the dentist and had a bad reaction to the nitrous oxide which the dentist administered to him. There was no knife involved and there were no illegal drugs involved as well."

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