Emma Watson Made Matt Janney Support #HeForShe Campaign? Oxford University Rugby Team Supports ‘Beauty And The Beast’ Star While Actress Shoots Film In Luxembourg

Emma Watson got all the kudos for her successful #HeForShe campaign. Good thing that her boyfriend Matt Janney was super eager to support “Beauty and the Beast’ by enlisting his Oxford University Rugby mates… or did Emma Watson force him to do so?

‘Beauty and the Beast’ star’s UN speech about feminism went viral on the Internet. Her Twitter social media campaign #HeForShe also was inundated with famous male stars showing support for feminism, women’s rights and Emma Watson.

One of the pictures that stood out the most was the photo of Oxford University Rugby team showing support for #HeForShe. As Matt Janney is a well-known player of the team as well as being the most current boyfriend of Emma Watson, may be that shouldn’t be too surprising.

Or ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star could have just forced her boyfriend to get his mates to show some support for a good cause. They just moved in together after all!

A few weeks ago, ‘Beauty and the Beast’ actress was caught moving her things out of her apartment with the help of Matt Janney, spurring rumors that they were now taking their relationship to the next level by moving in together.

Let’s hope that Emma bossing Matt Janney around won’t hurt their relationship.

If it did though, Emma Watson is definitely giving space for her boyfriend to settle down by jetting off to Luxembourg to shoot an upcoming movie called ‘Colonia’. According to Luxembourg Wort, “Emma Watson was photographed on the Luxembourg set of her latest film.... smiling and laughing as she walked to and from her caravan during filming in Luxembourg at the weekend.”

More about the movie: “The young starlet plays a young woman named Lena whose boyfriend, Daniel, disappears during the Chiliean military coup in 1973. Lena tracks him down to a sealed off area in the south of the country called Colonia Dignidad, where she discovers a cult led by preacher Paul Schäfer.”

Looks like Emma Watson’s character is just as much of a feminist as ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star!

Emma Watson
Matt Janney
Oxford University
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