Lena Headey's Naked Scenes In Croatia For Game Of Thrones Season 5 Pushed Through; Directors Pay $200,000 To Conceal Actress' Nakedness From Bustling Crowd

One of the most-awaited, sexy scenes in the Game Of Thrones Season 5 is Queen Cersei's 'walk of shame' in which the Queen as played by Lena Headey will be forced to walk naked in front of the common people in the streets of the King's Landings as punishment for her evil deeds. In spite previous arguments as to whether the controvesial scene will be included or not, the producers managed to slate an agreement to stage it in Church of St. Nicholas in Croatia but with the resolution to protect Headey's body from the public eye.

Reports on TMZ states that the Game of Thrones filmmakers signed a contract agreeing to pay $50,000 per day or $200, 000 for the four-day shoot to assure Headey's privacy in the set which includes the hiring of at least 200 men guarding the place from anybody trying to film the scene whether it is a professional or cellphone camera. Also, shop owners are also not allowed to conduct business during the shoot but they are also paid per day.

Further, the contract is said to only include four people for the full nude scene and each of them has signed a confidentiality agreement not to leak any photos or a $250000 fine worth will be imposed to any violator.

The only picture shown in the Daily Mail of the naked scene is Headey's back smeared with makeup with lots of crew surrounding her for cover.

Earlier reports on TMZ said that the Game of Thrones management had a hard time negotiating with the local film commission in Dubrovnikas one church in Croatia did not agree that the nude scene will be made inside the church. Luckily, the filmmakers have made a compromise with the authorities agreeing that the 41-year old actress will only disrobe outside church premises.  

Also, included in their agreement is the use of a contrived religious environment.

Season 5 is based on the George R. R. Martin's fifth novel in the seven book A Song Of Fire And Ice series, called A Dance With Dragons.

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