Nick Jonas And Olivia Culpo Update: ‘Jealous’ Singer Reveals Unexpected Celebrity Crush, Says He Has Gotten Close To The ‘Pageant World’ Because Of Miss Universe 2012 Girlfriend

Nick Jonas and Olivia Culpo are going strong but during a recent conversation with Cosmopolitan, the former Disney star revealed his celebrity crush - Daniel Craig!

The 22-year-old hit maker gave a male name because the interviewer told him, "Every single girl has given me a girl answer. I've never gotten, like, a guy from a girl."

Prior to Nick Jonas and Olivia Culpo's dating story, the musician had his own share of bad dating tales: "Well, there was a few where, like, alcohol was involved and it just got really bad. Those weren't necessarily the worst dates. The worst dates are when people, like, know more about me than is comfortable."

He admits that he finds it uncomfortable when someone appears to have researched about him before the date: "She just starts asking me questions that you wouldn't know unless I told you, but she knew from wherever, from online or something. I don't know. It was just very odd."

Throughout his lengthy stay in the entertainment industry, he says that what's important is to just chill out and calm down.

 "I think at the peak of my previous success, I probably stressed about more things than I should have, about things that really weren't that important. And now, I take the good with the bad and ... roll with it all. And I think it's always important to just stay hungry and to work harder than anybody else," he explained to the magazine.

Thanks as well to his Miss Universe 2012 girlfriend, he admits that he's now closer to the beauty pageant world. He even reveal that one of his favorite TV shows is "Game of Crowns," a reality show in Bravo TV which follows the lives of six pageant wives.

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nick jonas
jonas brothers
Olivia Culpo
Daniel Craig
Miss Universe
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