Sarah Silverman 2014: Comedian Campaigns For Equal Pay For Men And Women Workers; Says 'It's $500,000 For Vagina Tax'

A satirical video produced by the National Women's Law Center entitled "Sarah Silverman Closes Her Gap" is posted in Youtube on Wednesday featuring the comedian Sarah Silverman as she calls for changes in the US legislation promoting equality of wages among men and women and eradicating the so-called 'vagina tax.' According to Silverman, $30 trillion  is not rightfully given to working women every year by the US government is an injustice.

In the four-minute video for the Equal Pay Project, Silverman is inside the clinic and is about to decide whether to undergo for a sex change or not as she is tired of being a woman and being treated unequally.

"Every year the average woman loses around $11,000 to the wage gap. 'Over the course of her working life, that's almost $500,000. That's a $500,000 vagina tax... that's why I'm becoming a dude," the 43-year old actress said while showing on screen different penis sizes that she might want to acquire during the supposed sex change operation.

Holding the penises one by one, the activist assigned a name for each one of them--'The Gentleman,' 'The Frat Boy,' and 'The Seinfeld.' She then picks up her ideal penis while voicing out other demands to the sex change doctor.

"Oh my god I've got boots that would look amazing with this. I'll take it! Can you give me two really big balls? I feel like I'm gonna be a ball guy. Or make it three. It's gonna take a lot of balls to tell women that the wage gap is fair."

Aside from raising awareness, the satire is also meant to ask for donations hoping to reach $29 trillion said to be given back to the every working woman in the US who is said to have continuously suffered 78¢ gender pay gap  as determined by a 2013 U.S. Census Bureau study.

According to the Bloomberg Businessweek, the Equal Pay Project together with Droga5, a New York advertising firm, has managed to raise an amount that would almost reach $55,500 on Kickstarter.

Meanwhile, the comedian, herself, also promised to donate and to fight for the lobbying of the act in the House of Senate. Previously, it was said that she is responsible for bringing back the Paycheck Fairness Act to the Senate Floor. This proposal initiated by the National Women's Law Center is said to sanction companies who punished employees for raising questions about their salary. This is also aimed to make the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission push through, a body responsible for the extensive research on the wage gap.

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