Singer HaHa Was Filmed Naked In A Sauna? "I'm Going To Make Your Life Hard"

HaHa recently expressed his anger towards a student who filmed a video of him naked in a sauna.

HaHa Tweeted on Thursday, "Hey kid. Are you happy running away after taking a video of me naked at the sauna? I saw you on the CCTV."

He continued, "Do you know that I know where you are staying? It may get hard for your parents, you better erase it. Imagining you and your friends laughing while watching the video makes me angry."

He added, "I think you know that you did something wrong? You seemed to run really fast. Even though I'm a weak celebrity, I won't just let this go. Don't cause any more trouble. You kid. You better not ever do this again."

Internet users who saw the photo commented, "Since he's calling the person a kid, he's probably a young student," "I guess HaHa is really mad. Since it's a naked video," and "Even though its interesting seeing a celebrity, this doesn't seem right."

Photo Credit: HaHa Twitter

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