‘Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice’ Cast: Wonder Woman Is Warner’s Thor? Movie Origin To Follow New 52! Fans Are Outraged At ‘Boring’ Choice!

The ambitious super hero epic "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" will introduce Wonder Woman to the big screen. Now they will also need an origin and (disappointingly) Warner/DC went with the easy way out.

The entertainment website Newsarama has reported that producer Charles Roven confirmed in an interview that Wonder Woman will be presented as a demi-god, or the child of a god and a mortal.

From Newsarama:

"The origin from the reboot that is now three years running has Diana as the illegitimate child of Hippolyta and the Greek god Zeus. That's exactly how Roven described her, saying Wonder Woman is 'a demigod...her father was Zeus.' He didn't say whether or how much that would really come into play when Wonder Woman first takes the screen, but it does open the possibilities of what a Wonder Woman solo film could contain."

So Wonder Woman is now Warner's answer to Thor. Thor is a god, not a demi-god in the strictest sense, but this might be a way for Warner to match the power levels of the Avengers.

The revelation did not sit well with fans of the Amazon princess. It took away the 'wonder' of her character. Badass Digest points out that the 'canonical' origin was better:

"I love Wonder Woman's first (and for me, canonical) origin: the Amazons were created by the gods using the souls of all the women murdered by men. There was, when it was all said and done, one soul remaining, the soul of the unborn daughter of the first woman to ever be murdered by a man. That woman was Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, and she molded a figure of clay and gave to it the soul of that unborn girl. The clay was animated and became Diana, who was gifted abilities from the gods."

The feminist element is gone, as they point out. Diana is just another illegitimate child of Zeus, like Hercules.

What do you think of Wonder Woman's origin? Was it a 'time-saving' tactic so the movie won't be too long?

"Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" will be released on March 25, 2016.

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice
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